Cyprus Children's Fund
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Our main program is a one-on-one basis sponsorship with a minimum donation of $40 per month, with every donated dollar going directly to the child.

Other ways you can help:

  1. One-time donation:  any amount will be much appreciated.
  2. Matching Gift Program:  find out whether your company has a charitable gift-matching program to double your donation.
  3. Estate Planning:  include the Cyprus Children’s Fund, Inc. in your Will/Estate.
  4. In Honor/Memory:  choose the CCF to honor the people you love, in lieu of gifts and flowers.
  5. Use Amazon Smile for Purchases:  shop at and choose the Cyprus Children's Fund for your donation at checkout. Amazon will donate a percentage of its eligible 
    product sales to our organization.
  6. CCF Annual Gala:  join our Annual Gala Dinner or send a sponsorship.
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